Come join the fun! Membership is open to any person interested in amateur radio communications.
Download a membership application.
Full membership is open to licensed amateurs. Those without an amateur radio license may join as an Associate Member.
2025 Officers & Trustees
President: Ryan Kiko, K8IKO
Vice President: Patrick Smith, K8LDX
Secretary: Donna Smith, K8BXT
Treasurer: Don Kemp, NN8B
Public Information Officer: Donna Smith, K8BXT
Safety Officer: Gauge Smith, KE8VVB
Trustee: James Grimes, AD8AP, term expires Dec. 2026
Trustee: Don Kemp, NN8B term expires Dec. 2027
Dues are $25 per year (prorated monthly for new members), due and payable at the January meeting.
Pay your dues online ($2.09 extra for PayPal fees). Just click the Buy Now button.
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